Benefits of Using ISO Tank in Malaysia

ISO tank or vacuum tank is important nowadays which use the storage container that allows you to transport liquids, chemical substances, oil and others from one location to another location. ISO tank is often in a cylinder shape which can be extremely handy at sometimes.

iso tank


There are many ISO tank manufacturer out there that you can reach through easily using the Internet if you intend to buy ISO tank for your industrial uses. Before that, there are few important benefits that you should know about using ISO tank to transport your materials.



  1. Environmental friendly from buying ISO Tanks

In this era, people become very particular on the green environmental issue. ISO tank is greener compared to other methods of transportation such as drums and flexible-bags. One of the reason is that of the reusability. ISO tank can be reused again and again with the lifespan around 35 years, while drum and flexible-bags are less likely to be reused.


Besides, ISO tank can be used as the liquid waste tank that use to protect the environment. This can prevent the waste from simply dumping it elsewhere that can create pollution, instead, you manage the liquid efficiently by transport it to a better location for disposing of.

buy iso tanks

  1. Safer than the package

ISO tank is the safest among the other method such as drums and flexible-bags. ISO tank usually travels a long journey from one place to another and often encounter endure in the harsh environment especially the bad weathers. The ISO tank able to prevent the items inside from being damaged under the bad weathers.


Besides, ISO tank can prevent leaking of the liquid with the vacuum pump package ensuring the liquid will successfully pump in the ISO tank. This made the ISO tank safer compare to flex-bags and drums where the chances of the leakage are relatively high.



  1. Cost efficient in buying ISO tank

Using the ISO tank as a transportation mode can save a lot of the transportation cost depending on the distance and the volume. The cost might not be significant or obvious in the short term, but when it accumulated, it becomes a burden to your company.


Besides, the Internet allows you to enjoy the cost efficiency from procuring the ISO tank through online. Everything can be facilitated through online as long as you identified the supplier that offering ISO tanker or vacuum tanker for sale, things can be done quickly.



  1. Storage efficiency

Comparing all the container that used to store the liquid, ISO tank for storage definitely ranked as the top choices that industry will use for storing and transporting all the liquids as it is safe, large and durable.


ISO tank allows you to store more volume of your materials and safer. A normal ISO tank container is carrying a storage capacity up to 26,000 litres per tank. It is cost efficient as a large amount of volume can be transported at a time rather than travelling for few times.


Besides, the ISO tank can also be easily stored for future use by stacking up one over the another to increase the horizontal space availability in the warehouse through leveraging the vertical space.